Health & Fitness Blog

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Nutrition and Having a Plan

I’m going to let you in on a few little secrets when it comes to eating healthy. Number one, have a plan. That’s it. If you make a plan you will find it much easier to adhere to your nutritional needs.

By this I mean, at the beginning of the week (or the month like I do) sit down and make a plan that lets you know what you are going to be eating.

Want an example?


Breakfast:  Oatmeal with berries and scrambled eggs

Lunch: Tune wrap and veggies

Dinner: BBQ Chicken, Broccoli and Asparagus


Breakfast: Homemade Breakfast Burrito

Lunch: Leftover Chicken and Veg with Rice

Dinner: Salmon and Garden Salad

Now, you don’t have to do this for every meal. If you’re like me then dinners are the hardest meals for me as I work late some nights. So I only make a dinner plan.This really helps me get ahead, and it makes the dinner meal less stressful as I don’t have to scramble to scrape something together.

The other beautiful perk to this idea, you end up spending less on groceries. Before I implemented this into my household I would hit the grocery store several times per week, spending twenty dollars here and twenty dollars there. That really started adding up, I was spending eight hundred dollars on groceries a month to feed two people,  and most of those meals were far from healthy.

To save money I buy all my big items like meat on Cheap Tuesday;


On the first Tuesday of every month Sobey's offers 15% off your entire purchase and CO-OP has a minimum of 10% off your entire purchase! Go! You'll thank me later!

Then I check out the menu each week and decide what fresh fruit and veg or other products I may need for that weeks meals and only grab those when I hit that store.

Having a plan will save you time, money and it will really help you stick to your nutrition plan. You are less likely to settle for the quick but not so healthy options like hot dogs, or take out.

Now obviously life happens and the plan gets thrown out the window. So here is your third and final secret, a list of a few of the more healthy eating out options:

Sobeys– has a great selection of salads that include protein. Choose a vinaigrette dressing and carry on with your day.

East Side Eatery– has great Real Food options. You can get the gobbler sandwich loaded with veg. Want to go lighter on the simple carbs, grab a bowl of their homemade chilli.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be impossible and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

 -Cortney and Candace


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