Health & Fitness Blog

Saturday, December 1, 2018

December Workout

12 Days of Christmas Workout
Now technically the 12 days of Christmas don't start for a few more weeks, but we are starting them today. Super-set these with Squats So your workout will look somewhat like this:

Day 1 -
1 Plank / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 2 -
2 Minutes Skipping / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 3 -
3 Burpees / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 4 -
4 Tuck Jumps / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 5 -
5 Push Ups / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 6 -
6 Burpees / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 7-
7/side, Renegade Rows / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 8 -
8 Ball Tuck Planks / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 9 -
9 Low Row / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 10 -
10 Push ups / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 11 -
11/side, Alternating Star Fish (V-sit) / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)

Day 12 -
12 Jumping Jacks / 15 Squats - (5 Sets)


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