Health & Fitness Blog

Saturday, July 1, 2017

BLT Summer Rolls with Avocado

Original Recipe and Photo from

A lighter twist on a classic sandwich. This is great a summer bit size snack or as your healthy lunch. You can always chose to use turkey bacon for a lighter still wrap or use veggie bacon for a vegetarian twist.
8 cooked slices bacon
1/2-1 large tomato
1/2-1 avocado
4 rice wrappers
4 large butter lettuce leaves
4 tsp. mayo
1. Fill large bowl with warm water and dip rice paper rolls in water until soft.
Place on a plate.
2. Layer lettuce, tomato, avocado, bacon and mayo on the rice paper.
3. 4 keep the ends of the roll open as you roll away from you.
4. Slice in half and serve with a side of veggies or fruit.

Authored by
Candace Sayler

As the owner of GetFit, she carries a vast array of interests from sports and athletics, Olympic lifting, to kickboxing. Each year she attends seminars, conferences and takes courses to keep up-to-date with current research and techniques in the field of health and fitness and this year she is planning on doing her first sprint triathlon. Being healthy and staying active is a lifestyle choice. “Health and fitness is an investment in oneself. It is my goal to help clients become fit in a healthy, fun, natural way.”

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